27 Apr London Southend Airport donates £1000 to SNAP Charity
London Southend Airport contributed £1000 to SNAP Charity (Special Needs And Parents). During this difficult time SNAP have spent the funding on their helpline so that families who have a child or young person with any additional need or disability can easily access vital, tailored advice and information on a variety of topics as well as the emotional support to help to their children.
The helpline is often the first port of call and in the wake of Coronavirus SNAP are continuing to provide support remotely. This is a crucial source of help to Essex families as their anxiety and vulnerability has never been higher.
SNAP Helpline: 01277 211300
SNAP are also providing telephone appointments for in-depth support with Family Support Advisers, remote professional counselling and directing families to online support including the Information Network and Directory.
SNAP have also developed a ‘Coronavirus Family Guide’ which is made up of new information sheets such as ‘explaining the virus’, answers children’s questions and provides over 200 activities, ideas, strategies and resources keep families engaged, entertained and help them cope. Information sheets also cover topics such as anxiety and provides practical support and resources online to help them support their child’s needs such as Makaton and British Sign Language Resources or Dyslexia resources.