24 Jan Local PR Agency Celebrates Shortlist at National Awards
Leading Colchester-based PR agency, Big Wave PR, has been shortlisted for a national Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Marketing Excellence Award in the ‘Best Use of PR’ category for their campaign with D Day veterans and the Royal British Legion.
The consultancy has already won Gold for Best Not-for-Profit for their work on the campaign at the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Pride awards, but this is the first time the organisation has made the finals for a national award.
Their campaign “D Day Veterans – We Need You” got the message out about free tours to Normandy for D Day veterans to return one last time with a family member and a carer to help lay old ghosts to rest. The tours are organised by the Royal British Legion and funded via LIBOR fines. Thanks to the PR campaign, which hit all the nationals, regional newspaper headlines and multiple broadcast outlets, the amount of veterans signing-up for the tours more than doubled in 2017 with even more scheduled to make the trip back in 2018.
Hilary Collins, Founder and Managing Director, Big Wave PR says: “We’re literally over the moon to be shortlisted for the CIM awards! The CIM Marketing Excellence Awards recognise the very best use of PR nationwide, so to be in the last six is a major achievement for the team!”