08 Jun Local NHS encourages residents to keep their child’s smile healthy
Tooth decay is nothing to smile about and is in fact the number one cause of admission to hospital for 6–10-year-olds.
The NHS in mid and south Essex is raising awareness of simple steps families can take to improve their children’s oral health during Smile Month which is taking place across May and June and which aims to promote the importance of oral health and the value of a healthy smile.
Sophia Morris, System Clinical Lead for Health Inequalities for Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System said: “Smile month is focused on tackling inequalities and providing people with information, tools and support to achieve the smile they deserve.
“In the local area we are seeing a large number of issues with young children, between the ages of 6 and 10, requiring general anaesthetic procedures for very serious dental health issues including removing teeth completely”.
“We are developing plans to improve our local children’s oral health; we want to make it easier for children to see a dentist and to support parents and carers to keep their children’s teeth healthy from an early age”
To support parents and carers, information is available on our website with tips on how to keep your child’s oral health in good condition such as:
Ensuring they brush for two minutes last thing at night and one other time during the day with a fluoride toothpaste
Cutting down on sugary foods and drinks
Visit the dentist regularly