20 Nov Local MP disappointed as British Parking Association stands by ‘compassionate’ Basildon car park operator
Stephen Metcalfe, MP for South Basildon and East Thurrock, has expressed his disappointment at the British Parking Association’s decision to stand by the practices of Smart Parking UK at Westgate Car Park in Basildon.
In a letter to Mr Metcalfe, the BPA state they are satisfied with ‘assurances’ given by Smart Parking UK during their investigation, including that they ‘deal with appeals from motorists with disabilities and the elderly with compassion’.
The BPA investigated Westgate car park operators Smart Parking UK against their Code of Practice following a letter from Stephen highlighting their opaque practices and inflexible attitude which are causing unnecessary blight to Basildon shoppers. It was hoped this careful examination would end their unfair practices.
The BPA response appears not to have considered publicly available information evidencing the concerns raised by Mr Metcalfe. Mr Metcalfe’s office offered to provide the British Parking Association (BPA) with evidence he has received from constituents directly to assist in their investigation, but, was told it was not necessary and that the BPA were aware of information in the public domain.
Stephen Metcalfe is now calling for evidence of Smart Parking practices which breach the BPA Code of Conduct and will put these examples to the BPA directly.
Stephen said: “I, along with my neighbour John Baron MP, continue to call for an end to their practices which risks the reputation of Westgate shopping centre in Basildon.
John Baron MP and I are due to meet the Chief Executive of Smart Parking UK soon. We are gathering evidence to challenge their operations and the BPA assertion that they operate in line with the BPA Code of Practice”.