12 Apr Local health services over the Easter weekend to help you stay well
However you’re spending the bank holiday weekend, make sure you know where you can go for local health care.
If you have an urgent medical problem that’s not life threatening or an emergency, or you’re not sure what to do, you can call NHS 111. A team of trained advisors will ask questions to assess your symptoms and then give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you to the local service that is best for you and your needs and is available 24 hours a day seven days a week. Always dial 999 in a medical emergency.
Patients registered at most practices across mid and south east Essex can pre-book urgent GP or nurse appointments on Good Friday, Saturday 16 April, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. Appointments are available to book at one of the hubs located in Mid Essex, Thurrock, south east Essex and Basildon and Brentwood. People can ask their own GP practice for details on how to book.
Opening times across mid and south Essex localities for GP hubs and pharmacies opening times can be found by visiting the links below:
Feeling low at this time of year is common. If you feel you need help then please get in touch with someone. There are a number of support services including 24-hour support.
Southend: www.southendccg.nhs.uk/your-health-services/mental-health
Castle Point & Rochford: www.castlepointandrochfordccg.nhs.uk/your-services/mental-health
Thurrock: www.thurrockccg.nhs.uk/your-health/mental-healthservices
Basildon and Brentwood:
Mid Essex: www.midessexccg.nhs.uk/livewell/mentalhealth
If you are feeling tense or anxious and need to talk to someone, mental health support is now available for over 18s 24/7 via the NHS 111 helpline.
Under 18s can call NELFT out of hours: 0800 953 0222
Samaritans: Call 116 123 free 24/7For children and young people, free, safe and anonymous online counselling and can be accessed via Kooth – www.kooth.com or Togetherall – www.togrtherall.com
Your local pharmacy can also help with advice on medication, or with a wide range of minor illnesses and ailments. While many pharmacies will be closed over the bank holiday weekend, visit www.nhs.uk to find one that is open near you.