11 Aug Liam Halewood on CBB and Bodyfixers “I have to say all in all very impressed”
by Liam Halewood
Hi guys and gals,
So I hope you got to check out my introduction and over the next coming weeks you get to know my personality and humour. So here goes let’s get to it, BodyFixers.
So if you don’t know what Bodyfixers is, it’s a fabulous programme which is on every Thursday giving people some serious makeovers and tonight it started and what a start to the series.
So back for series two you have top Hair stylist Daniel Granger who was looking dapper as ever and looking on social media making all of the girls and boys melt with his good looks, fantastic banter and most of all amazing skills as one of the UKs too stylists. Alex Henry was back also keeping all of the make up in check on all of this year contributors to the show along with beautician April De Austin keeping check on all them beauty needs.
Now you can’t have a series of Body fixers without the resident Dr Esho tending to all the cosmetic needs in the body fixers clinic and this year sees a hot new addition to the clinic in the name of stylish, handsome, and trendy Danny Richo helping with all of this series hair needs along with Daniel Granger.
Now I have to say I didn’t expect it but yes you seen it Stephen Bear walked in and admitted he lacks in confidence, I nearly fell of my chair as the way he portrays himself on the box you would Defo not think in a million years he even had a floor but he does his bad skin. I am going to be honest I don’t really look that closely at Bear and have never followed his career I won’t say why hear but let’s just say we don’t get on so didn’t see the this problem he had.
On the show when they done the close up you could really see it and I have to say ( with gritted teeth) Bear looked amazing after Dr Esho put the LED mask on then he took it off and I Turned the tele off. (Only joking) he looked great and it was nice to see him in a little pain with all them needles going his face too but the show really helped with his style also as he did dress like a bad surfer just not quite in Australia.
Anyway enough saying Bear looked great it’s giving me a headache. Moving on!!!🙈
Then in walks Jasmine and what a problem she had. That hair needed some serious work and imagine walking round with permanent damp patch on your head. Daniel got to work on that hair and work it he did. I really didn’t think it was possible but that girl come out looking absolutely amazing and I am so glad for her as it looked like she couldn’t even talk about her old hair without crying what added to that story for me is that the about her child wanting to wash he hair and style it, the story was a little bit like an xfactor story but the girl looked amazing and we even spoke on twitter and she seemed to if loved her experience.
I can’t remember the girls name now but Dr Esho once again worked his magic with a non surgical nose job and I have to say what result it was for that girl. She was over the moon and Defo over that bump on her nose even screaming how much she loved it in the reveal and another woman who made me smile was Asma who has never had a photograph in 20 years in family wedding etc. I am so glad she got the confidence to come on television to get help as that must of been so hard to do for her. Anyways along with Alex and Danny that makeover give that lady so much confidence she was even dancing along with make up artists Alex. The dancing was a little dodgy from both but I suppose there was no rehearsal lol.
So moving to the last makeover it’s Mike who hasn’t had sex for two years due to his balding. I know that guy and he is a great guy and I was glad for him he was able to get his quick fix for the wedding he was going to in Ibiza.
I know he was nervous too filming the show but I told him head high just think of the result at the end and what a result that was.
Daniel Granger you bloody hair magician. The hair piece you done on Mike was incredible and I no after seeing him he was so greatful for the time and effort you put in to make him feel so fabulous. That reminds me I’ll have to ask Mike has he had his end away yet. 🙈🙈🙈🙈
So I have to say all in all very impressed with the series and loved Danny Richo first outing.
Now I said I would talk a little about Big brother at the end so here goes, Sarah Harding, Jemma Lucy and Paul Danan and karthick eyebrows bravo to you guys because your workin then cameras amazing and making big brother so gripping already to watch. Jemma and Sarah are as bad as each other and both hypocrites on giving life lessons. People saying Paul Danan copying Stephen bears performance need to watch Paul Danan career before Bear escaped from his dad testicle and Amelia Lily and Sam seem like a nice couple but please no sex on the tele!
Hope you liked reading my first column inch 8 more inches I mean episodes to go of body fixers and next week more from Big brother and also a little mention to that mad programme Make or Break on channel 5.
I have to give me a shout out come see me in Panto this Christmas in manchester heywood from 16th December playing the wizard.
Much love and hugs Liam xx
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