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@Leapingladies aims to get women running

18 Jul @Leapingladies aims to get women running

Local personal training company, Hoggs Fitness & First Aid, supported by Active Harlow and Harlow Council, has started up a series of free, ladies-only running sessions called Leaping Ladies.

Led by a qualified instructor the beginners sessions, which help ladies learn to run, are being held every Saturday from 10am to 11am from now until 20 August 2016. They include a health check at the beginning and the end, and are open for all women. If they have daughters aged over 10 years old, they are welcome to attend as well. Sessions begin at the School Lane car park.

Activities like Leaping Ladies are a great way for women in Harlow to get active at no cost.

Running also has many health benefits including helping with mental wellbeing and weight management as well as contributing to the prevention of health conditions including but not limited to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and some cancers.

Sport England’s This Girl Can campaign has been a real catalyst and contributed to more and more women leading active lifestyles. Sport England’s Active People Survey demonstrates that the number of women playing sport and being active is increasing faster than it is for men. The Active People Survey results of December 2015 demonstrate that athletics is now the second most popular sport and participation is rising, up 98,700 over the 12-month period with much of that participation being driven by women taking part in running.

If you are interested in taking part in a Leaping Ladies session, please contact David Hogg on 07734 298235 or email [email protected]