01 Nov Leading Essex business women invited to present at regional event
Leading Essex business women have been invited to present at the Institute of Directors (IoD) Enterprising Women in the East Summit taking place at Newmarket Racecourse on Wednesday 15 November.
The event will showcase enterprising women from across the East of England and forms part of a nationwide IoD campaign addressing the main issues around the impact of gender on business and presenting the latest thinking on topics such as gender diversity on boards and the growing significance of women as directors, consumers and investors in business.
Participants from the Essex area include Hayley Smith, Director of Boxed Out PR who will be discussing the art of storytelling in business and Alison Charles, Stress Management and Productivity Expert from Diva on a Harley.
The events keynote speech will be made by Rachel Nolan, Chief Superintendent – Operational Policing with Essex Police who will outline how, as the forces only female public order commander she has led the policing of festivals, protests and covert firearms deployments.