08 Aug Landlords and investors offered a helping hand with tax and legal challenges
Property investors, landlords and developers are being offered the chance to learn about the latest changes to the property industry in a free seminar hosted by Haslers Chartered Accountants and solicitors, Attwaters Jameson Hill.
The property sector is currently undergoing a number of key changes to legislation and tax rules, which this partnership of Essex firms hopes to support with their latest informative presentation on Thursday 29 September 2022.
This free event, led by Haslers’ Senior Tax Partner, Paul Reynolds and Prabhi Ghura, Associate Solicitor at Attwaters Jameson Hill, will focus on tax rules and the changes landlords need to be aware of in 2022, a Capital Gains Tax and stamp duty update, the new Making Tax Digital requirements and landlord and tenant disputes.
This event which begins at 6pm, will support the region’s property professionals as they deal with these critical challenges and changes.
Speaking ahead of the webinar, Paul said: “The property sector has experienced both highs and lows during the last few years. During this time, they have had to deal with new legislation and tax rules that have had a big impact on their profitability and compliance requirements.
“In our latest seminar, we want to give those in the industry a chance to catch up on new regulations, and this is a great chance to get advice and guidance from our team and our partners.”
Those wishing to participate in this insightful seminar can secure a place today by visiting https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/property-investment-buy-to-let-seminar-tickets-382910665107