28 Sep LABOUR’s shadow attorney general has defended the party’s spending plans, saying it will “borrow to invest”
LABOUR’s shadow attorney general has defended the party’s spending plans, saying it will “borrow to invest”.
Asked where the money for Labour’s economic plan will come from, she said: “What we do is we have our own rules, which is that it is alright to borrow to invest and we have Tories who want to borrow in order to give money to the very richest.
“We want to actually borrow to invest and…we want to give British power to the British people who want to start using the energy sources that we’ve really got and we’re not really exploiting well enough yet.
“We’ve got some of the biggest tides in the whole of the world, we ought to have tidal power here. We ought to be spending money on wave power.
“We ought to be spending much more on wind power and solar. We could actually be a superpower when it comes to green energy, we really could, and why not?”
In an interview with Patrick Christys on GB News, she said: “It’s about a million jobs as well. It’s not just about bringing down the energy bills. It’s about creating jobs for the future.
“It’s a really exciting programme. And it’s an exciting programme given by somebody who’s actually got a bit of vision.”
She added: “I think what we saw was the speech of a guy who’s really stepped up. I think that his confidence has grown. I think that it was quite clear that he was speaking.
“It’s the Keir I know actually speaking and not being afraid to be himself and to show how his politics come from him and I think it was a speech of a future prime minister, I really do. I’m so excited because I think that it was a really good speech.
“What people want is they want a serious man for serious times and I think that’s what Keir is. He’s a full man full of ideas and full of confidence, and hope.”