28 Mar Knitting is ‘knot’ a problem for Essex Freemasons
A Masonic Fund in Essex called the Cross Keys Community Fund (CKCF) has worked relentlessly this past year, to support Essex Knitting and Crochet groups with various incentives for the benefit of local Charities, Residential Homes and NHS Trusts.
Knit and Natter groups are wonderful initiatives that combat loneliness by bringing people together through the joy of knitting and conversation. These gatherings provide a warm and supportive environment where participants can create beautiful handcrafted items while sharing stories, laughter, and companionship.
The first initiative, (A collaboration between Essex Freemasons and the Women’s Institute) provided knitted toys and clothes for Essex charity ‘Colourful Beginnings’ a UK-registered charity that supports families with premature and sick babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Around 60,000 babies are born prematurely every year in the UK. This means that 1 in every 13 babies are born before 37 weeks. At Colourful Beginnings, they support families with premature and sick babies in NICU’s all over the UK.
Monies raised by the CKCF, were used to purchase a huge amount of wool, crochet and knitting needles and other materials necessary to knit Octopus and Jelly Fish comforters, baby bonnets and blankets. The ladies from the WI were only too happy to oblige with the incentive and have used their regular Arts and Crafts workshops to use the materials to knit and crochet hundreds of the much-needed toys and bonnets.
When premature babies are born, the weight of most of them is around 500g (that’s half a bag of sugar) because premature babies’ systems are not fully developed.
Feeling the closeness of parents has a significant effect on babies’ recovery and growth. However, many parents are not able to hold their babies close in some cases as they are so tiny. That’s where the octopus comforters help. Baby holds the tentacles of their little friend, which helps to keep them calm, because the octopus tentacles resemble the umbilical cord whilst baby is in the womb.
The octopuses also serve a dual purpose whilst the babies are in NICU by taking comfort in holding the octopus tentacles instead of pulling those life-saving tubes and cables out.
In preparation for Christmas, Essex Freemasons worked alongside Knit and Natter Groups in Thurrock, Basildon, and Fobbing to supply materials for the production of lap blankets and scarves. On this occasion, more than 200 lap blankets and scarves were knitted and distributed to residential homes throughout the region.
This direct interaction with residential care facilities inspired their latest ongoing initiative with various groups to provide the materials and support to create “Twiddle Muffs,” which were donated to local residential homes.
Twiddle Muffs are knitted muffs with items attached to keep dementia patients’ hands active and busy. They contain strands of textured ribbons, beads, and various fabrics attached both, inside and outside. People with dementia often have restless hands and like to have something to keep their hands occupied.
In a more recent project, The CKCF and local knitting clubs again collaborated to create Easter woollen gifts. The project received hundreds of Cadbury’s Crème Eggs and wool donations, and the finished knitted gifts were then donated to various local groups and residential homes, including NHS staff at Basildon, Orsett, Broomfield, Royal London, and Queens Hospital.
Dave Barton, Essex Freemason and Chairman of the Cross Keys Community Fund, expressed his enthusiasm for working with Knit and Natter Clubs.
He said, “With spring in full bloom, everyone feels energised to contribute, and the CKCF takes great pride in supporting the Knitting Clubs who work tirelessly for the local community. We love to support all the community groups and charities that we work with, as it encompasses four important values that help define Freemasons: Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Service.”
For further information, or if you would like to support further, please contact: [email protected]