22 Jun Jennifer Tolhurst DL appointed as Lord-Lieutenant of Essex
by Matthew Martino
Downing Street today confirmed that Mrs Jennifer Tolhurst DL has been appointed as Lord-Lieutenant of Essex.
The current Lord-Lieutenant of Essex, Lord Petre KCVO retires on 4 August 2017 and as such The Queen has been pleased to appoint Mrs Jennifer Tolhurst DL as Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Essex.
Mrs Tolhurst lives in Danbury with her husband, Philip. They have three grown-up children and seven grandchildren.
Mrs Tolhurst is a former High Sheriff of Essex. She is currently the Vice-President of the Essex Community Foundation, she serves on Essex University Court, and she is also an assessor for the Queen’s Awards for Volunteers.
About the role:
The title of Lord Lieutenant is given to the British monarch’s personal representatives in the United Kingdom. Usually a retired local notable, senior military officer, peer or business person is given the post honorarily.
The Chairman of the County Council works very closely with the Lord Lieutenant of Essex, particularly in respect of royal visits and citizenship ceremonies.