02 Aug Jackie Doyle-Price MP Welcomes Lower Thames Crossing Developments
Following last week’s meeting at Thurrock Council and the decision that notwithstanding the Council’s ongoing opposition to any new crossing there will be engagement with Highways England Thurrock MP Jackie Doyle-Price has welcomed the change of heart, which is crucial to secure the best outcome for Thurrock.
Jackie said, “This was always going to be a national planning decision and can only be rejected on planning grounds. I feel that the public in Thurrock have been misled about that. Simply saying no to any crossing without putting together any hard evidence with which to challenge Highways England’s assertions was simply futile.
This comes after Cllr John Kent the Leader of Thurrock Council in 2013 refusing Jackie’s request for analysis of the impact on air quality report and traffic congestion of the proposed LTC.
She added “In the end Thurrock Council’s response was a weak critique of process than a robust rejection of route 3 which was what the public ought to have expected given the noise coming from the Council. It is however not too late to try and secure the best outcome for Thurrock and I am pleased to see that from now on Thurrock council will embark on mature discussion with Highways England to get the route changed.”