22 Nov House price shock – how property owners can land a £5,000 boost to the value of their home by installing electric chargers
Boris Johnson announced today (MON) that all new homes will have to include a charging point in the future.
Now a leading property buyers’ group says there is already evidence that those installing them now are massively benefiting.
Jonathan Rolande, from the National Association of Property Buyers (NAPB), said: “The average charge point costs around £800 and we are already recording cases where homeowners are seeing a quick return on their investment. The convenience of a ready-made charging point is proving popular with buyers who own an EV or intend to buy one in the near future. Currently we estimate it could add at least £3000 to £5000 to the value of a property and this trend will carry on.”
Mr Rolande said the number of properties being listed for sale which included a charging point is now five times higher than a year ago.
And he said although the NAPB “broadly welcomed” the Prime Minister’s announcements he said the Government “could and should” go further in this area.
He added: “At present over 40% of homes don’t have off road parking so we need to be thinking how property owners or those in rental accommodation will charge their vehicles. Street lighting could be used or developers could simply add numerous charging points in the street on a pay as you go basis. The Government could and should go further.”
Under new laws to be announced by Boris Johnson today (MON) supermarkets, workplaces and new housing developments were told they must have electric vehicle charge points from next year.
The aim is to create 145,000 charging points in the run-up to 2030, when sales of new petrol and diesel cars in the UK will end. The Prime Minister is expected to tell the Confederation of British Industry’s three-day online conference: “This is a pivotal moment – we cannot go on as we are. We have to adapt our economy to the green industrial revolution.
“We have to use our massive investment in science and technology and we have to raise our productivity and then we have to get out of your way.
“We must regulate less or better and take advantage of new freedoms.”