28 Sep @HarlowCouncil: This Girl Can Essex Ambassadors chosen for Harlow
Active Harlow and Active Essex have selected three new This Girl Can Ambassadors.
Latest sports participation figures from Sport England show that there were 340,000 more people getting active nationally over the past 12 months. A large increase in female participation accounts for over 75% of that increase.
Sport England’s This Girl Can campaign is thought to be at least partly responsible for this increase. Harlow’s This Girl Can Essex Ambassadors have been recruited to capitalise on the increasing levels of female participation and encourage even more residents to get active.
Harlow’s This Girl Can Essex Ambassadors have not been chosen because they are elite athletes or that they excel at sport; they are ordinary yet inspirational women who can be related to in terms of everyday struggles to keep fit and healthy within their busy lifestyles.
Harlow’s ambassadors are:
Karen Clempner
Karen has insight into Harlow as a resident and Councillor and is passionate about helping the development of female sport and physical activity. Last year Karen decided she wanted to start losing weight, get fitter and healthier so started going to the gym but found it wasn’t for her. A friend then suggested the local parkrun and Karen hasn’t looked back since. Karen now has a target to attend all the parkruns in Essex!
Kelly Harman
Kelly is a Harlow resident and works for Active Essex. Kelly is keen to get even more female residents leading active lifestyles and has excellent knowledge of the health and wellbeing landscape in Harlow.
Lesley Whitaker
Lesley Whitaker is a dance teacher specialising in ballroom, Latin American and sequence dancing. Lesley has lived in Harlow since childhood and can be found on Twitter and Facebook where activities for female residents can be found. Lesley also participates in toning tables and often goes to activities to support the ladies that she teaches.
The launch of the This Girl Can Essex Ambassadors for Harlow coincides with Women’s Sport Week which is being held from 3-9 October 2016. The ambassadors’ first official engagement will be to attend the Active Harlow Sports Awards 2016 on 3 October.
They are encouraging anyone that wants to get involved and support more women to be active in Harlow to register their interest atwww.womeninsport.org/wsw2016. The Ambassadors are also currently developing an action plan to deliver a number of female-friendly initiatives but in the meantime they are keen to undertake advocate roles. If your organisation is delivering an activity encouraging female residents of any age to get active, please get in touch if you would like a This Girl Can Essex Ambassador to attend or for the activity to be promoted locally during Women’s Sport Week.
Please email [email protected] for more information.
You can also stay up to date on Active Harlow by following it on Twitter, @ActiveHarlow, and on the This Girl Can campaign by searching for #ThisGirlCan.