08 Oct Harlow MP, Robert Halfon on apprenticeships “there is not enough high-quality apprenticeship training”
Rt Hon Robert Halfon MP, Chair of the Education Committee and MP for Harlow has weighed in on the Education Committee’s report on apprenticeships saying “there is not enough high-quality apprenticeship training”
A report by the committee released today stated that too many apprentices are not getting the high-quality training they deserve and too many people, particularly the disadvantaged, are not being given the support they need to pursue an apprenticeship and get on in life.
Mr Halfon said: “There has been an explosion in the number of training providers in recent years but neither employers nor apprentices can have genuine confidence that quality training is being provided by these new entrants.”
He added “It’s time for a cap on the amount of training which new providers can offer until they prove they are up to scratch. It’s time to get tough on sub-contractors, who too often seem to be delivering training which doesn’t deliver for the apprentice or the tax-payer, and lead providers who cream off large management fees while providing nothing of value themselves.”
The report recommends that the Social Mobility Commission conduct a study into how the benefits system helps or hinders apprentices and that the Government acts upon its findings.
Addressing the need for young people to have clearer routes into apprenticeships, the report calls on the Government to get tough on schools that evade the Baker clause and that a proper UCAS-style portal for technical education, skills, FE and apprenticeships should be introduced.
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