13 Jan Harlow Council has welcomed cash boost for new M11 junction
Harlow Council has welcomed today’s announcement that the construction of a new M11 junction will receive a major cash boost from the Government.Transport Minister, Andrew Jones, has allocated £1.2 billion of local roads funding to Councils for the 2017 to 2018 financial year. A share of the funding will go to Essex County Council and towards the construction of a M11 junction 7A.
The Department for Transport says it will support plans for a new motorway junction on the M11 which will help to ensure the delivery of 15,000 homes and support continued growth in the local economy. The new junction will sit to the north of Harlow, and will cut several minutes from journeys to Stansted and Cambridge.
The scheme will provide better access to the motorway both for new residents and for the existing residents of Harlow; plus less congestion on the existing junction 7.
Plans for Junction 7a were agreed by Essex County Council Cabinet last month following public consultation and the project will be part-funded by the County Council.
Councillor Jon Clempner, Leader of the Council, said: “ It is clear that a major town like Harlow suffers from only having one motorway junction. I know that traffic congestion is a major frustration for residents who want to be able to travel around the town without any delays. I know it is also frustrating for local businesses as traffic delays can cost them money.
“If Harlow is to recognise its short and long-term housing and business growth needs, including the ambition for a northern bypass, then an extra motorway junction to the north of Harlow is vital. This is about Harlow having the right transport infrastructure now and in the future to support new housing and help create new businesses and jobs at places like Harlow Enterprise Zone. A new junction is not the only answer to improving Harlow’s infrastructure but it is extremely important, and another piece of the jigsaw that is falling into place. The support and commitment from the Government, Harlow’s MP and Essex County Council for this project can only help attract further investment in our ambition to transform Harlow for the better.”
The Government’s announcement can be read at: http://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-allocates-12-billion-roads-funding-to-councils
More information on the M11 junction 7A project can be found at: https://app.citizenspace.com/essexcc/m11junction7a/consult_view/