03 Jul Harlow Council urging Gilden Park developers to take swift action
Harlow Council is demanding that the three housebuilders at Gilden Park take swift action and produce a programme for the delivery of community facilities.
Despite completing a substantial number of homes, the Gilden Park developers, Persimmon, Barratt and Taylor Wimpey have failed to yet provide several community facilities.
Under the terms of the legal agreement the developers were obliged to deliver:
Sports pitches and a pavilion
A community centre
Retail facilities
However, despite trigger points in the legal agreement being passed the developers have not made the required progress.
The council is also working with Essex County Council to push forward plans for a school as the land has been supplied to them by developers.
The council has been in on-going discussions with the three developers and have meet on several occasions to resolve the issues above without needing to revert to enforcement action. The council remains in active dialogue with the developers.
Councillor Michael Hardware, Harlow Council’s cabinet portfolio holder for economic development, said:
“Residents are missing out by not having these vital community facilities – they are crucial in the creation of this emerging new community. We have tried our best to encourage the developers to provide what they promised but we are now, therefore, investigating all legal routes to ensure these three developers meet their obligations.”