09 Apr Harlow Council contacts local business eligible for share of £11m funding
Harlow Council has written and sent emails to all 840 businesses in the town considered to be eligible for the government’s small business and the retail, hospitality and leisure grants.
The council has received £11m in government funding to support local businesses during the national coronavirus crisis.
Emails have already been sent out with letters going out first class today (8 April 2020). Businesses are advised to check their post and emails and follow the instructions to ensure they receive grant payments as quickly as possible.
Businesses can check whether they are eligible for a grant at https://www.businesssupport.gov.uk/small-business-grant-funding/ and https://www.businesssupport.gov.uk/cash-grant-for-retail-hospitality-and-leisure/
Last week business rate direct debit payments for 300 businesses were cancelled by the council to ensure businesses that are eligible for the government’s 12-month business rates holiday didn’t get charged this month. New business rate bills to reflect this have been already been sent out.
Any business which thinks it should be eligible for the government grant but does not receive communication from the council by email or post (to the address where you normally receive your business rates bills) by Tuesday 14 April 2020 should check their eligibility. Any business which thinks it fully meets the criteria set out by the government should email [email protected] detailing why they believe they are eligible. The council will respond as soon as it can to these requests.
The latest information on support available to Harlow businesses can be found on the council’s website at www.harlow.gov.uk/coronavirus/businesses