07 Jul Harlow businesses get lifeline as coronavirus support discretionary grants scheme is launched
Harlow based small and micro businesses, which have not be eligible for funding during the coronavirus pandemic, can now apply to Harlow Council for a discretionary support grant.
The council’s Discretionary Business Grant Scheme aims to support businesses that are struggling due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) shutdown, but have been unable to access other government grant funding. The scheme follows guidance set out by government.
So far during the pandemic Harlow Council has given extended retail relief to 524 business rate payers totalling around £17.5m. It also received £11.7m in government funding and has granted £11.4m of this to 868 businesses eligible for small business or retail, hospitality & leisure grants. The council has been allocated a £515,500 discretionary fund to support businesses such as:
· small and micro businesses in shared offices or other flexible workspaces
· market traders and street traders with fixed on-going costs
· properties which are used as bed & breakfast that pay Council Tax instead of business rates
· Charities in receipt of charitable business rates relief which would otherwise have been eligible for Small Business Rates Relief
· businesses that did not qualify for the Small business or Retail, Hospitality & Leisure Grant and service the retail, hospitality and leisure industry
Businesses can apply for the grant at www.harlow.gov.uk/coronavirus/businesses
The website also includes full details of the eligibility criteria, which includes the requirement to have been trading on 11 March 2020, and the exclusions.
Applications for the grant will close at 4pm on Friday 17 July 2020.
The council will review all applications and notify businesses in writing or by email, shortly after the closing date, if they are eligible for the grant. The council will also notify businesses if they are ineligible for the grant and the reasons why.