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FreQKlash festival should stay away from Marks Tey a resident says

15 Jun FreQKlash festival should stay away from Marks Tey a resident says

A DISGRUNTLED neighbour fought to have the noise turned down at a 10-hour music festival.

FreQKlash held its regular outdoor dance event on land off London Road, Marks Tey, on Saturday.

Despite residents been given notice of the event, which had full licensing support from Colchester Council, they were not prepared for the din.

One lady said it could be heard as far as North Lane around 6.8 miles away.

The Essex festival, organised by resident DJ Rob Harding, has been held in various locations since its 2005 launch.

A spokesman for Colchester Council said Mr Harding worked closely with environmental protection officer and ensured the event, from midday to 10pm, did not cause a nuisance.

But antisocial behaviour from revellers caused further problems.


Another resident said she called Mr Harding twice to turn the music down and alleged on the second call he refused to lower the volume again.

Mr Harding said she called him six times throughout the day.

He added the event was successful and received no complaints.

The resident said: “By 5pm I’d havehad enough and called Rob to turn it down but he’d already done this once and said it couldn’t be helped.

“I’d contacted Nigel Fitch who owns the field, as there’s two parts and where the festival was, is not connected with the car boot land.

“Unfortunately, he was away and when the noise abatement team arrived at around 9.30pm, it was too late to stop the event.