21 Oct “Every candidate’s chance of getting £250k will be to buy a scratch card” writes Paul Manners
Here we go with Episode 3 of The Apprentice where the task is to sell sweets for the most amount of profit.
The candidates awaken at 5am to meet Lord Sugar at the Drury Lane Theatre Royal and he decides to mix the teams up. Teams Titan and Nebula have two days to come up with sweets to sell in Brighton.
Alana is project manager for team Titan and Oliver is for team Nebula. Teams are again split into two and one has to make the sweets, whilst the other is on the corporate (marketing/sales). At 11am the teams divide and discuss tactics. Some are clearing not comfortable in being in the kitchens! I wonder if any arguments will be cooking as well as the sweets.
Midday both teams are having a crash course in candy making….will it all crash? The marketing teams have made successful deals and relay their orders to the kitchen teams. Karen Brady is not impressed with McKie as they have travelled all the way to sell sweets for only £75 off the top of his head, oh dear. On the other team Alana is not coping under the pressures or things going wrong in the kitchen.
Both sub-teams create brand identities, only ten minutes remain in the kitchens for making the sweets. With the sweets done and boxed, all candidates return to the house.
The next day, both teams have their base at The Grand Hotel in Brighton. Marketing teams discuss the prices of the sweets to sell to the public. The corporate teams now deliver their sweets to their clients, including Brighton Football Club.
One team seems to be selling a lot of sweets to the public and the other is finally starting to make sales after generating more interest. All candidates within both teams are selling sweets for different prices; so unorganised. One marketing team approaches sweet shops and make successful sales. Alana’s team are having a sudden sugar rush of sales on the beach. Oliver’s sales teams are still cruising especially with Karthik being a great sales person. Tonight, sweet takings are totted up and tomorrow the results in the boardroom.
Both teams arrive in the boardroom the next day. Karthik has been mentioned at now being a pleasure to work with compared to last week. Lord Sugar goes over both teams about their sweets and sales tactics.
Claude goes over the figures for team Titan, of which their profit was £785.66. Karen states that Nebula made a profile of £615.08. I had a feeling that Titan was going to win especially with having great sales with their corporate client, Brighton Football Club. So, who from team Nebula will be fired this week? Team Nebula are recalled back into the boardroom after discussing what went wrong. Lord Sugar picks them up on the pricing, stating that project manager Oliver does not even know the prices of his sweet products even now! McKie is now being picked up on by Lord Sugar about the corporate sale. Oliver chooses Paul and McKie to bring back where at least one of the three candidates will be fired. Oliver is talking down to both McKie and Paul, however Paul seems moody but stated that even though he didn’t make a sale he produced the best fudge; which actually sold out.
Lord Sugar summarises over the three candidates and fires project manager Oliver, stating that his best hope of winning 250 grand is to buy himself a scratch card. He dismisses both McKie and Paul.
Fifteen candidates now remain. Next time has something to do with visiting a famous department store. Who will the shutters be coming down on? We’ll find out next week.