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Essex’s most powerful and influential figures to be celebrated

19 Jun Essex’s most powerful and influential figures to be celebrated

by Tasha Turner

The most powerful and influential figures across Essex and from Essex are set to be celebrated in a new list dubbed ‘Essex Power 100‘.

The list being seen as a Forbes for Essex will curate their maiden list this winter which will detail the 100 most powerful and influential figures from the worlds of business, entertainment, sport, religion and politics.

The EssexPower100 brand is being led by media proprietors 2trom Media Group with support from hundreds of local businesses.

A spokeswoman for EssexPower100 confirmed that as well as the original Power 100 list there will be a series of spin off lists of ‘Most Powerful Women’ and an ‘Under 30s’ list. The judges and executives of the list are to be announced at a press conference this summer.

You have a chance to make your suggestions to the panel of researchers who have began profiling thousands of prospective entrants for the list. You can email the the panel on [email protected] or through Twitter @EssexPower100