02 Mar Essex Police crackdown on mobile phone usage at the wheel
Essex Police is rolling out a week of action to coincide with a new legislation change and will be putting extra resource and focus into targeting mobile phone offenders through to Tuesday March 7.
Using a mobile phone while driving is now an offence punishable with a £200 fine and six penalty points on a driving licence.
This doubles the previous penalties.
New drivers could also face losing their licence if caught.
Adam Pipe, Casualty Reduction Manager for Essex Police, said:
“The new penalties which come into place today will be a strong deterrent for those who still believe – despite the obvious seriousness of the offence – that using a mobile phone is acceptable behaviour on our roads.
“Irrevocable and fatal mistakes are made when mobile phones are used at the wheel and also when people allow themselves to be distracted.
“It may seem like a simple, even innocent act to send a text message or take a glance at your smartphone screen, but there is a very real chance this could lead to devastation for you, or someone else. There is no excuse for recklessness in the driver’s seat.