09 Feb Essex Housing development in Chelmsford gets underway
Essex Housing has started work on a 26-home regeneration of taxpayer-owned land that has been empty for 12 years.
Contractor Duncan Cameron Hutchinson Ltd has started work on 15 two-bed and 11 one-bed apartments, eight of which will be affordable, on land in Waltham Glen, off Gloucester Avenue, Chelmsford.
Essex County Council, in collaboration with Essex Police and the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, has been working with the Moulsham Lodge Community Trust (MLCT) to find the group a permanent home ever since its community centre in Waltham Glen closed in 2005.
In March last year, the Council bought a former police station nearby before handing a long-term lease to MLCT, putting an end to years of uncertainty and freeing up the Waltham Glen site for redevelopment.
Builders aim to complete the work by summer next year, with apartments on sale from early 2019.