22 Feb Essex firm step in to help individuals with the complexity of finance post-Brexit
One of Essex’s leading accounting firms, Haslers, is to team up with financial professionals to deliver a free post-Brexit seminar on personal finance.
With the UK due to leave the EU on 29 March 2019, there is much uncertainty about the prospect of individuals finances in the UK once the country leaves.
To help people effectively plan their affairs post-Brexit Haslers will help to deliver a number of presentations at its Cutting Out the Brexit Noise event, including talks from:
John Hancock, Wealth Management Technical Consultant, St James’s Place – How will your personal, business and wealth assets be affected post Brexit?
Eddy Sharma, Managing Director, Hightower Wealth Management Ltd – Exploring future tax planning opportunities for the new tax year
Paul Reynolds, Tax Partner, Haslers – How to benefit from Inheritance Tax Planning
Due to take place at Haslers office in Old Station Road, Loughton on Wednesday 24 April 2019, the seminar will also give people a chance to pitch their own questions to the panel of speakers in light of any changes that occur immediately after Brexit.
Jon O’Shea, Chairman at Haslers, said: “With so much uncertainty surrounding Brexit still, we thought hosting a seminar after it has passed would be the perfect way to help people with their finances.
“Individuals who are unsure of what impact Brexit will have on their tax position or investments should seek help and this event hopes to offer some initial guidance to them.”
Spaces for this two-hour event, which starts at 6pm, are limited. To avoid disappointment, please book your place by visiting www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cutting-out-the-brexit-noise-free-seminar-tickets-55914316225