10 Oct Deadline extended for Basildon Borough Volunteer Awards 2018
There is still time to get your nominations in for the Basildon Borough Volunteer Awards that recognise community heroes who go above and beyond to improve our borough as the deadline has been extended until Friday 12 October.
Do you know a borough resident who gives up their free time to help worthy causes? It could be someone who runs a community group, works in a charity shop or cares for a loved one.
The categories for this year’s awards, which are taking place at Woodlands School on Thursday 25 October, are:
SUNSHINE AWARD (11-21yrs) – This award recognises the effort and selfless act of continually helping others. This could be anywhere within the borough such as a community group, organisation, school or neighbourhood.
COMMUNITY STAR – To all those volunteers who shine like a star and who deserve recognition. Must be over 18yrs.
INSPIRATIONAL ROLE MODEL – This category is for volunteers who really do inspire others with their volunteering story. Nominees should go above and beyond in caring and encouraging others.
FUNDRAISING CHAMPION – For someone who has raised funds for a charity, community group/project and who has made an invaluable contribution.
VOLUNTEER PROJECT – For one-off projects that have made an impact in their community.
LONG SERVICE AWARD – This award recognises the length of service shown by dedicated volunteers. To enter, the volunteer must have been volunteering for at least 10 years.
VOLUNTARY GROUP OF THE YEAR AWARD – This category is for any voluntary group who have collectively made a difference to their community.
VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD- THE TONY GUYON MEMORIAL CUP – Tony Guyon was a member of Basildon Council’s previous Community Engagement Team, who sadly passed away doing the job he loved. He dedicated a lot of his life to helping make Basildon a better borough. The winners of each of the categories listed above are put forward to win this prestigious award.
LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD – This category recognises the tireless efforts of those who have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to the community. The winner of this award will not be eligible for The Volunteer of the Year Award.
Nominations close on Friday 12 October. To download a nomination form, visit www.basildon.gov.uk/volunteerawards
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