12 Dec DC Circuit Breakers – A Quick Guide
As its name implies, a DC circuit breaker is meant to safeguard direct current (DC)-operated electrical equipment. The major distinction between direct and alternating current is that although the output current of AC cycles multiple times a second, that of DC remains fixed.
It is important to note that AC and DC circuit breakers have different characteristics. Circuit breakers for AC / DC currents function differently. In contrast to alternating current, which alternates between negative and positive values several times each second, direct current generates an output voltage that remains constant throughout time.
Industrial or commercial, or battery-based approaches usually use DC power, whereas electricity grids typically deliver alternating current. Neither is “superior” to the next, and each is useful for different use cases. For instance, a DC circuit breaker is more feasible when operating with battery cells, solar energy equipment, or industrial machinery that is simpler to control. At the same time, AC is suitable for transmission over longer distances.
Where is DC Circuit Breaker Used?
DC circuit breakers are widely employed in the following applications:
● Electric circuits that run on batteries, like those found in houses having solar cells
● Residences in rural areas without so much as an electric grid also have battery-powered lines.
● Numerous electrical parts are found in both gas-powered and electric automobiles. There is a fuse panel with DC circuit breakers in every car.
● Stations for recharging electric automobiles.
● UPSs often employ batteries.
● Installation of solar photovoltaic panels, as well as accompanying battery storage and control systems.
● Motors with DC supply.
● High-performance LED lighting.
It has many other uses as well.
How does a DC Circuit Breaker Function?
The same heat and electromagnetic protection principles used in AC circuit breakers also apply to DC circuit breakers:
● When the electric current exceeds the voltage level, thermal insulation activates the DC circuit breaker. This safety method is based on a bimetal contact that heats up, swells, and trips the direct current circuit breaker.
● As the current increases, the thermal security operates more quickly because more heat is produced when the electric contact expands and opens. A DC circuit breaker’s thermal management guards against an overloading current, which is just marginally greater than the average operating current.
● When there are strong faulty currents present, magnetic security trips the DC circuit breaker, and the action is always immediate. Like AC breakers, DC circuit breakers have a specified breaking capability that indicates the greatest overvoltage, which can be disrupted.
● Since the current getting stopped by DC breakers is constant, it must further open the electromagnetic contact in order to shut off the fault current. A DC circuit breakers magnet protection guards against faulty wiring and faults, which are far bigger than an overload.
● Some versions of circuit breakers are meant to work with any type of electricity because the protective mechanism is essentially the same for both AC and DC. However, it is still crucial to make sure that the circuit breaker and the supply of electricity have the same kind of current. Electric mishaps could happen if the incorrect sort of circuit breaker is placed because it won’t be able to protect the setup adequately.
● A sufficient current has to be present in the electrical cable that connects the DC circuit breaker to the electrical device being safeguarded. An inadequately sized wire might overheat, destroying its insulation and resulting in an electrical fault even when the DC circuit breaker is appropriately chosen.
Choose the Right DC Circuit Breaker
It is usually advised to use the professional advice of licensed technicians and experts when installing a DC circuit breaker. This is because proper assembly is necessary to ensure that the correct circuit breakers are chosen and fitted. Also, you should adequately scope the market to buy a good DC circuit breaker that can cater to your requirements!