14 Nov Council calls for Government investment to secure Harlow’s future
Harlow Council is urging the Government to commit to invest in Harlow’s future when the Autumn Statement is unveiled later this month.
Last week the Leader of Harlow Council, Councillor Jon Clempner, has sent a letter to The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, ahead of the Government publishing its Autumn Statement on 23 November 2016.
In the letter Councillor Jon Clempner writes: “Harlow is at the heart of the London Stansted Cambridge Corridor and represents a huge economic opportunity to contribute further to the prosperity of the U.K. Created as a New Town to house the overspill of London it represents a great value location for businesses and people to live. To realise this potential requires investment.”
There are eight infrastructure investments Councillor Clempner is highlighting to the Chancellor as key issues that need serious consideration. These are:
1. Four tracking of the West Anglia Main Line.
2. Extension of CrossRail 2 to Harlow.
3. M11 Junction 7A.
4. Upgrading of M11 Junction 7.
5. Support for town centre regeneration.
6. Relocation of the Princess Alexandra Hospital to meet the needs of a growing population and demand, and to free up land for development.
7. Re-focusing of the New Homes Bonus to encourage areas where the housing market is not functioning as successfully as others.
8. The retention of 100% of Business Rates in areas committed to a joint investment plan in enabling infrastructure to improve the economic performance of their areas.
The Council has been able to work in partnership with both the public and private sectors to kick start investment in Harlow particularly for the Government backed Harlow Enterprise Zone. Five million pounds of public sector investment in the Enterprise Zone has already levered more than £45 million in private sector investment, with more to come. The relocation of Public Health England to Harlow between 2021 and 2024 will further contribute to the economic growth and regeneration of Harlow.
Councillor Jon Clempner, Leader of Harlow Council, said : “I hope the Chancellor will take notice and give this his serious consideration and make key pledges later this month to secure Harlow’s future. Harlow, in its key location, can play a real role in helping to support the prosperity of this Country. However, to realise its full potential, the town needs the right infrastructure and investment. If we can get that further investment from the Government this will give a boost in confidence to the private sector that Harlow continues to be a great place to invest. This is all about the Council, the Government, public sector partners and the private sector continuing to work together to improve Harlow and help Harlow’s economic success and regeneration.”