06 Jan Could You Be A Special Constable ?
Essex Police have invited locals interested in being Special Constables to come and apply, this comes after specials in 2016 volunteered 250 hours. Could you spare a few hours of your free time each month with the Special Constabulary?
The Special Constables started 2017 by helping to keep others safe. 47 Special Constables were on duty on New Year’s Eve into New Year’s Day, volunteering 397 hours of their free time between them.
They kicked off the year by assisting colleagues at RTCs, searching for missing people and have carried out 94.5 hours of high visibility patrols.
And to top it off, the team have assisted in eight arrests so far this year. With the same uniform and policing powers as regular police constables, the team have protected and served Essex.
If you would like to know more about Essex Police’s Special Constables and would like to apply to join them, visit: https://www.essex.police.uk/join-the-police/special-constabulary/