21 Aug Community fundraising project in Basildon gets off to a flyer
A community-led project to renew the play equipment in Whitmore Park is gathering momentum after three successful events and the launch of its fundraising page.
Project Play Whitmore is made up of Basildon Council, Basildon McDonalds, Essex Police and Whitmore Primary School as well as local community champion Nicola Firth.
The initial aim was to raise £100,000 for new play equipment. Following contributions of £75,000 from the Veolia Pitsea Marshes Maintenance Trust, £15,000 from Basildon Council and £3,400 from Basildon McDonalds a crowdfunding site has been set up to raise the final £7,300.
An event held at Whitmore Park last month including football, tennis and name the salamander raffle raised £62.42 towards the project.
A family event held at the Jolly Friar on 3 August raised £1,106 and this week a Quiz night at the pub in Whitmore Way raised a further £250
Councillor David Harrison Chairman of the Neighbourhoods and Public Spaces Committee said: “The project team have done an excellent job so far raising the funds they have but now we need to take it up a level and encourage more donations so this park can reach its full potential for the local community to enjoy.”
To donate to the Project Play Whitmore fund visit https://www.spacehive.com/playwhitmore
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