22 Mar Committee agree to look further into rebuilding Billericay Swimming Pool
A brand new leisure facility could be built in Billericay following a decision by the council’s Regeneration and Environment Committee to further investigate two options.
At a meeting of the Regeneration and Environment Committee last night (Wednesday 21 March) the committee agreed to commission further detailed work on two options to build a new £9million facility with a gym
A further option to rebuild the facility without a gym at a cost of between £700,000 and £3.2million will also be explored.
The committee also agreed to undertake a public consultation following the detailed work on the two options.
The swim and gym option would see the creation of a larger 25 metre pool with six lanes and a new 13 meter by 8 metre learner pool. The plan includes a first storey 120 station gym, two activity studios and a café.
An additional 70 parking spaces would also be included in the plan which would see the new facility built alongside the old Billericay Swimming Pool minimising disruption to current visitors.