29 Apr COLUMNIST: A cheeky introduction… Colin Chapman
…and some initial thoughts on Essex talent.
Well I suppose I should get the formalities out of the way first, as many of you won’t have a Scrooby Doo who I am and what I do!
I’m Essex Counties first and finest (Well, ok then …’only’!) Fire-breathing author…who just happens to be a builder for his sins too.
You may have caught me on first dates recently, or in the background on Towie.
The guys at Essex-TV have asked me to give you a weekly snippet of what’s ‘hot and what’s not’ around the world of Essex entertainment., although I may stray onto some more topical issues from time to time.
But as this is my first airing I thought I had best start by buttering up the boys and girls behind the scenes. I’d like to personally congratulate them all on a fantastic job. They have come so far, so quickly. I really hope they manage to showcase the amazing talent that Essex has to offer. I am honoured to be involved and can’t wait to share some of my news and views with you.
A couple of weeks ago I was fortunate enough to attend The South East Entertainment Awards, and boy did Essex show up with some incredible acts.
From street dance to singer song writers…the audience was wowed and wooed by act after act.
The diversity of talent, age and ability was staggering. I’m sure we will see much more from some of these performers.
I was lucky enough to meet Jordan Gray…who you will have all seen on The Voice. That young lady has a very bright future ahead of her. Cream and Deborah Fennella certainly went down well with their innovative ‘Hip-hopera’
Well I think I will bid you farewell for now…but I’ll be ‘virtually’ seeing you all next week. I guess I better get out and party…for research purposes of course??
Colin Llewelyn Chapman…the handsome one from first dates!
To watch an interview with Colin Champan and Essex-TV, Click here