04 Mar Colchester Citizens Alliance marches forth with Founding Assembly!
Community leaders from across Colchester gather tonight, March 4th, to show a unity of purpose, to work together for the common good at the founding of Colchester Citizens, an alliance that has been building since 2016. Colchester Citizens involves many organisations but it’s founding members are: Church of England, Citizens Advice Colchester, Colchester Foodbank, Colchester Institute, Colchester Islamic Community Association, Colchester Mosque and Colchester Islamic Centre, Essex University, Methodist Church and Salvation Army.
Colchester Citizens, an alliance of organisations campaigning to tackle hate crime, housing issues, transport issues and issues around mental health and wellbeing provision.
Caroline Beckett, Chair of Colchester Citizens Alliance said:
“Tonight is exciting because it formalises our connections as organisations and celebrates our achievements so far, but really this is just the beginning. Citizens UK have a proven track record of building power for local people and organisations to create the change they wish to see. It’s not party political. It’s not about doing things FOR people but doing things together, through listening and partnering. At Colchester Citizens we turn our anger against injustices into fuel to fight them and we are far stronger and more powerful working together for the common good than each organisation would be on its own. Our message to people is that they are not alone and they are not helpless: change is always possible.”
Rt. Rev. Roger Morris, Bishop of Colchester, has made no secret of his commitment to social justice and building community.
“Colchester Citizens is built around relationships, not just issues or causes. Relational power brings about transformation in communities. Relationships remain strong long after an issue has been solved or a campaign ended and we continue to listen out for other issues of injustice that need creative solutions.”
A number of speakers will be young people from Colchester’s schools, colleges and University. Danni from St. Benedict’s Catholic College is one. “I was there when we gathered for a Vision Assembly in May 2017 to share our hopes, dreams and plans for Colchester and for creating a fairer and kinder world through working together for justice. It is wonderful seeing that vision becoming a reality.“