18 Jul Colchester centre curates family summer events
by Matthew Martino
Firstsite today announced details of its ‘Summer School’ – a creative programme of mostly free events and activities aimed at families looking for something special to do over the holidays.
From Saturday 24 July to Friday 1 September, the programme is aimed at 4 – 11-year- olds, and offers children the chance to learn a new sport, display their artwork in an exhibition, see one of Firstsite’s excellent family ofilms or enjoy a delicious lunch.
The programme is promising to be every bit intriguing as it includes:
Cultural Celebrations – Weds 16 Aug, Thurs 17 Aug and Weds 23 Aug from 10.30am – 4.30pm
During the sessions you can
Discover, examine and explore cultural celebrations across Britain with artist Elsa James. Experiment with drawing, painting and collage techniques to produce life-size cardboard cut-outs of yourself at a party, festival or summer fete.