27 Jun @cllrdfinch says ‘The @EssexBizBoost competition is an exciting way to uncover incredible talent’
The Essex BIG Business Boost is returning for its second year and is now open for entries. The BIG Business Boost is a free business competition funded by Essex County Council’s Essex Innovation Programme (EIP) and their Employment and Skills Unit. The competition’s aim is to find and enable Essex’s exciting small businesses.
In 2015, the BIG Business Boost attracted more than 200 entries, and delivered tens of thousands of pounds of business support, training and cash prizes to small businesses across Essex.
The competition has a new format for 2016. EIP have this year teamed up with ECC’s Employment and Skills Unit to deliver four new awards, celebrating the diversity of entrepreneurship that exists in Essex, including a new Disability Entrepreneur Award.
Five categories are open for applications, with each award winner taking home a prize worth over £2,000 in cash and business support, alongside a range of business support prizes:
- The Young Entrepreneur Award
- The Women in Business Award
- The Disability Entrepreneur Award
- The Personal Triumph Award
- The BIG Business Boost Award
Cllr David Finch, Leader of Essex County Council, said: “The BIG Business Boost competition is an exciting way to uncover and celebrate the incredible talent Essex has to offer. All budding entrepreneurs and small businesses should enter the awards and help show that Essex Means Business!”
The BIG Business Boost is free to enter online, with only a 300 word entry required, with the deadline for entries closing at midnight on 31 July 2016. For more information, eligibility details, and to enter the Essex Big Business Boost visit http://www.essexbusinessboost.co.uk