20 Mar Childline is encouraging local young people to speak out against discrimination
Childline fears that victims are suffering in silence as hundreds of hate crimes committed against children in Essex.
Today Childline is launching its new Understand Me campaign amid fears children are suffering in silence from physical bullying, verbal abuse, cyberbullying and racist name calling because of the colour of their skin, religious beliefs or their accent.
The campaign challenges xenophobia and prejudice, empowering young people to speak out about racial bullying and discrimination and seek help should they need it.
Spikes in Childline counselling sessions about racial and faith based bullying have sometimes followed terror attacks, with the number rising by over a third following the Westminster attack in March 2017, compared to the previous month.
Any child worried about bullying can call Childline on 0800 11 11. Any adult who is concerned about a child can call the NSPCC Helpline on 0800 800 5000.