17 Aug Chanelle Sadie Paul on Celebrity Big Brother 2018
by Chanelle Sadie Paul || Columnist
I’m back again to share my thoughts on another reality show… This time it’s on the launch night of Celebrity Big Brother!
Firstly can I just say, how long did we have to wait for Big Brother to return to our screens!? However, I am so glad it’s back, and this time round I think there’s going to be lots of gossip, drama & scandals jam packed into the series, and I for one cannot wait to watch the drama unfold!
There’s a mix of characters in there, and a fair few I didn’t necessarily know, or have an interest in, but because their VT’s gave us a glimpse into their history with the tabloids and press, it made me want to know so much more, and really get invested in the contestants! Nick Leeson being a prime example of this, I want to know his story… I mean I even heard there’s a movie & book on it!? That’s gotta be a juicy story, and I’d never even heard of him 5 hours before!
So first in we had Kirstie Alley, I mean I’ve not watched her as an actress, but I have previously followed her weight loss/gain story. I think she’ll do alright in the house, she brings this Hollywood style glamour with her big bouncy blow drys, and I think she’ll be a pleasure to watch.
Ryan Thomas shocked me, you imagine him to be a bit of a cocky lads lad, and I got the impression he was extremely overwhelmed by the public and the house, and even becoming vice president! I think we’ll see a side of him I certainly wasn’t expecting to see, also he’s cute right, so as long as he keeps smiling, I think he’ll quite easily win over the nations hearts!
Urm so actually my favourite bit to do with Jermaine Pennant was whoever his guest was, when interviewed by Emma Willis, actually turned around and said something along the lines of, he’ll be running around the house like a hood rat! That cracked me up more than his story. I don’t know what he’ll bring to the house to be honest, he has a wife (who is stunning, I’d rather stare at her all day), so we aren’t going to see any romantic connections (well we shouldn’t be anyway) and drink driving is awful end of, so I don’t really know what gossip there is to get from him? However he did apparently at some point play for Arsenal, and we all know they are my boys, so maybe he can have that one haha.
I’m intrigued to know about the Chloe Ayling story. I for one can completely understand that you can and will on many occasions get prejudged for your image, and it’s hard when discussing something personal, and having people not believe you purely because you’ve spoken publicly about it, and people actually accuse you of attention seeking etc, it’s not nice, but again, i really don’t know her story, with many different tweets flying about in regards to this, I think this is probably a story I’m quite intrigued about and would like to get to know more info on.
Ah Rodrigo Alves aka The Human Ken Doll!! Firstly I was won over by the pink suit, it was just heaven on my eye balls! But no, in all fairness I have met him at an event before and he seemed absolutely lovely, I think he’ll bring a lot of energy to the house and I’m just looking forward to seeing every perfectly sculpted angle of his doll like body!
Dan Osbourne has had endless cheating/marriage break down rumours & obviously his initial incident with his ex girlfriend etc, however I actually think he came across quite sweet, like the sort of guy to probably sail through the show without any dramas or confrontation with anybody. I could be completely wrong and I hope we manage to get a bit of spice from him, but otherwise i’m sure he has some fine ass abs underneath those clothes, maybe he can just stroll around topless!?
Gabby, Gabby, Gabby! I just love her! I love the Scouse accent, I loved her on Love Island, I loved her with Marcel (although obvz he can do one now) and I think she’s just a bubbly girl but also from Liverpool so she’ll be saying it how it is exactly when she needs to! I obviously hope all the allegations of her cheating aren’t true, and it’ll be interesting to see her and Dan discussing the rumours about themselves going forward. Oh and also how stunningggggg did she look entering the house!
Hardeep Singh Kohli… Urm initial thoughts… I’m not a fan! I don’t know his back story, so I look forward to finding out more about him, but comedians that tell a joke in every god damn sentence they say is just wayyyy too much for me to handle! He would do my head in! Well they are my initial thoughts on him, let’s see if they change! The outfit did however stand out!
Ben Jardine is another one that I think will do my head in! How you gonna marry a stranger and then cheat on her in the first week!!!? Not cool dude! He seems like he has no chill, but again it’s launch night, who knows, but I really don’t have too much to say on him at this stage anyway!
Okay so when I heard Roxanne Pallett was going in, and isn’t she rumoured to be one of the highest paid, I was like really!? But oh my gosh I love her already! She’s like a fiery little pocket rocket who looks about 20, I definitely think we are going to get all the emotions from her, which is what you want as a viewer, and she entertained me from the get go by spending time basically licking her titties on the staircase for however long! She’s cute and sassy and i’d like to see her in the final as I think she’s gonna have a whole heap of ‘best bits’ for us by the end.
I don’t know who Sally Morgan is, aka Psychic Sally, but I hope she does have some real special psychic powers, and I basically hope we all get to witness them and get some good legit info on the other celebs… That is all I ask of her!
So providing Natalie Nunn isn’t too, too crazy, I think she could be a lot of fun in the house! We all know she ain’t holding back anything! Again she’s another celeb that I didn’t know of, but I instantly warmed to her, and I just want to watch her, and listen to that accent! Oh and my girl came in wearing a crown… What more can I say!? She’s here to steal the show!
And finally entering the house was Nick Leeson, I briefly spoke about him at the beginning of this, so again, someone I hadn’t heard of, but someone I seem to be quite interested in knowing about, I mean the impression I got is that he robbed a bank!? I mean I thought, you know he physically went in and robbed a bank, but I’m lead to believe the story is slightly different to that, so yes I’m looking forward to hearing his side.
I’m actually quite pleased with the line up and really cannot wait to see the sort of tasks they will be given and all the revelations along the way!
I think I’d like Gabby to win, however I don’t think she will. It’s very early to say. Kirstie has a big presence, and I think Nick, you know the guy that didn’t pose for the paps, could be the non tv, but tv personality to shine. Roxy, again another personality I’m liking, and I think the public really like Ryan, so I think he could surprise us… so honestly who has a clue at this stage!?
It’s so nice to have Emma & Rylan back on our screens, I absolutely adore them both, and think they are so so talented at their jobs and just beautiful to watch!
Anyways, thats enough from me, I hope you all enjoy the series, and let’s hope we will still have a civilian version to follow!
Muchos Love,
Chanelle xo
Only In Chanelle’s World
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