01 Jun Celebrate the Jubilee with the launch of patriotic wheelie and dog poo bins
In a difficult year, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations are one true positive moment at a time when everything else is… well… rubbish.
And that’s why one refuse and recycling company is going flat-out to do its part with patriotic bins for the long holiday weekend.
British waste collection company Divert.co.uk will be (literally) rolling out union flag wheelie bins to mark the occasion, as well as corgi-branded dog poo bins for jubilee walkies.
“These are tough times for everybody,” says Divert.co.uk spokesperson Mark Hall, “So we want to give people something to smile about as part of this national celebration.
“And yes, it’s patriotic bins. Bins that would totally look the part on the curb outside Windsor Castle on bin day.”
By the way, bin day for Windsor Castle is THURSDAY, but this is subject to changes caused by Bank Holidays.
Clean for the Queen
Divert.co.uk is taking a two-pronged approach to celebrating the Jubilee.
First, it is providing wheeled waste bins decorated with Union Flags (Yes, we know the difference between a Union Jack and a Union Flag, our uncle was in the Royal Navy) which will brighten up any street where they’re doing their job.
“Let’s face it, you’ve got to great lengths to get your street or shop front looking the business for the big day,” says Mark Hall, “and the last thing you want is a giant olive green wheelie bin bringing down the tone.
“Even bins deserve to celebrate a remarkable monarch.”
Secondly, Divert.co.uk is going to be decorating dog poo bins with PJ, the official corgi emoji of the Platinum Jubilee.
PJ is an emoji and a gif image of a cute corgi in a crown, unveiled this week by the Royal Family’s social media team.
“It’s the perfect image to celebrate the Queen’s love of animals, and as a responsible dog owner, she’d be the first to pop a poo bag into a PJ-branded bin on royal walkies”, says Mark.