22 Aug CCTV coming to Wickford Memorial Park!
In 2017 when Wickford Independents were part of the Administration running Basildon Council, a budget was provided to fund CCTV in the Wickford Memorial Park. This followed outbreaks of unsocial behaviour in the Park.
However last year the Conservative administration failed to progress it.
Now part of the Basildon Borough Alliance in just six weeks we have met officers in the Park, planned the siting of 7 cameras, and the order has been placed for the installation of the CCTV.
Councillor David Harrison said ” The seven cameras will cover the main parts of the Park – including the War Memorial gates, and including the main pavilion as well as the Carers Choice dementia building”
Councillor Eunice Brockman added “this will make the many users of the Park feel much safer – and the CCTV will be beamed wirelessly back to the CCTV Control Room at the Basildon Centre”
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