Buck Street Market, the UK’s first conscious-consumer market reopens to the public next Wednesday 15th July.
Home to the largest rooftop in Camden, Buck Street Market’s beautiful skyline garden will be covered in green plants and will feature a millennial pink terrace complete with a Big Screen showcasing festivals, environmental films, talks.
Reopening will be Buck Street Market’s 80 + food, drink and retail traders, all committed to sustainability and eco-conscious practices and products, setting a new standard for eating, drinking and shopping in London. In addition, the market will feature community stalls held on rotation by local community businesses and groups. Traders include:
- Adrian Martin, one of Ireland’s youngest celebrity chefs and founder of Wildflower brings his very first foraged fine dining restaurant to London, adopting a zero waste policy, with only 10 covers in the upcycled shipping container restaurant
- Miguel Barclay, author of ‘One Pound Meals’ cookbooks which have been best sellers four times; will open his first brick & mortar – Miguel’s Pizza
- Food and drink traders also include Ethika, The Spirited Craft Bar, Juice Junkies and Philippe Conticini French Patisserie who will open in August
- Retailers include To Home From London, Tea Shirt, Sweyn Forkbeard, Londonworks, Dress up Baby + more independent brands
Buck Street Market launched to the public on 9th March 2020, and closed 10 days later amid growing concerns around public safety and Covid-19. The market reopens on 15th July with more passion and commitment than ever to sustainability to provide customers with choices that reflect the significant changes in sentiment towards sustainability.
Maggie Milosavljevic, Commercial Director for LabTech comments: “We are excited to finally be reopening to the public after weeks in lockdown, we hope our sustainable food offer, brilliant retailers and exciting bars will bring a new lease of life to Camden. We can’t wait to welcome everyone back.”
The ongoing sustainability commitments at Buck Street Market include composting food and drink waste to generate energy and produce electricity for the site, multiple recycling points, zero single-use plastic policy and all food traders to offer vegan dishes. The outdoor space will provide activities and events including, yoga classes, workshops as well as outdoor film screenings for the community.
In preparation for reopening, Buck Street Market has implemented one way systems, installed multiple hand-sanitising stations across the site, and has encouraged its traders to operate within the Government guidelines. Social distancing will be implemented across the market.