25 Apr Billericay Public Planning Virtual Inquiry date set
A virtual Inquiry has been arranged in respect of land at Skirmish Wood, Outwood Farm Road, Billericay, starting on Tuesday 11 May at 10am.
The Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State, will hold the Inquiry online, which will be run in the normal way, but with parties invited to join via Microsoft Teams or by telephone.
The Inquiry is currently anticipated as sitting for three days and is open to members of the public.
For information on how to join, please contact the council’s planning technical support team on 01268 533333 as soon as possible prior to the event.
The notices were issued by Basildon Council for the reasons set out below:
Without planning permission, the formation of bunds and the laying of hard-core and associated material onto the land creating a hardstanding.
Without planning permission, the material change in use of the land to use for the storage of metal containers.
Without planning permission, the material change in use of the land to use for the stationing of caravans for residential use.
The notices have been appealed by Mr J and Mrs J Sidroy.
The Inspector’s decision will be published online following the Inquiry