08 Dec Basildon Council takes action to raise private sector housing standards
Basildon Council has vowed to take action against landlords who fail to ensure their properties meet expected standards.
The Housing and Community Committee agreed to support the development of a private sector management plan at a meeting on Thursday, 6 December. The plan will aim to raise standards in private sector homes and ensure the best use of housing stock within the sector.
There will be a particular focus on improving the safety and quality of houses in multiple occupation (HMOs). Stock models compiled by Building Research Establishment (BRA) highlighted an increase in HMOs as landlords seek to maximise rental income and demand for housing outstrips supply.
The stock modelling also identified common hazards in the private housing sector as trips, falls and excess cold.
Cllr Kerry Smith, Chairman of Basildon Council’s Housing and Community Committee, said: “We continue to work with landlords to ensure that homes in the private rented sector are fit for purpose. We are not afraid to take enforcement action and have the power to issue Emergency Prohibition Orders to take properties out of use. Any tenants affected by this are placed back into the private sector in homes which meet our standards.”