30 Jul Basildon Council Leader has ‘productive’ meeting with Police and Crime Commissioner
Basildon Council Leader Gavin Callaghan met with Essex Police and Crime Commissioner Roger Hirst on Monday 29 July to discuss ways to make Basildon borough safer.
Among the issues discussed were:
- Basildon town centre and permitted developments that are raising concerns about rising crime in and around the developments
- Drug dealing and gang activity
The impact of the Ministerial Direction on speed limit enforcement on the A127
- Ongoing issues with criminal activity in Hovefields
- The importance of visible policing in reducing crime and making people feel safer and the need for our borough to get a fair share of new police officers promised by the government.
“It was a productive meeting and I’m confident additional resources will be coming to our five towns in the months ahead,” Councillor Callaghan said.
“Mr Hirst agreed to work with me on a number of issues key to tackling crime in our borough. For example, we will work together to ensure the Met Police notify us and share intelligence if known criminals are being rehoused in the our borough and make joint representations on enforcement of clean air measures when we meet the Minister.
“The change we all want to see won’t happen overnight but I’ll keep fighting for a better deal for Basildon.”
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