02 Mar Basildon Council invites landlords to a Landlords Event
Landlords are invited to a free event being run by Basildon Council’s Property Solutions Team to provide information on tenancy management and lettings.
The event is being held on Thursday 8 March at the Holiday Inn, at Festival Leisure Park, Basildon from 8am to 10am.
The event, which includes a free continental breakfast, is set to provide landlords with a wealth of information about landlord targeted fraud, buy to let mortgages and an overview of residential lettings.
Landlords will also receive information on the council’s Property Solutions scheme, which offers up to £1,500 cash incentive in exchange for an assured shorthold tenancy being offered to a tenant referred by the council’s housing options team. As well as a cash incentive, landlords will also benefit from rent in advance, a damage deposit bond, support and expert advice and assistance from the council’s lettings negotiator throughout the life of the tenancy. The scheme aims to mitigate some of the risks associated with renting properties privately and facilitate the letting of good quality accommodation.
Cllr Kerry Smith, Basildon Council’s Chairman of the Housing and Community Committee, said: “The Property Solutions initiative is a really helpful scheme. It not only helps private landlords rent out their properties and receive the support and experience of the council’s housing teams but also helps to find homes for people who might otherwise be living in temporary accommodation.
“I would encourage any current or potential landlords to come to the event on Thursday to learn about the many benefits the scheme has to offer.”
Contact the Property Solutions Team on 01268 20671 or email [email protected] to register your interest.
To find out more about the event please visit http://www.basildon.gov.uk/article/2208/Landlord-Forum