09 Apr Backside to Trackside initiative launches in Basildon
People encouraged to get active with free nine week programme
A free nine-week initiative to get people active in Basildon is being launched culminating in a family fun day at Basildon Sporting Village.
Everyone Active is working in partnership with Basildon Council to launch the ‘Backside to Trackside’ programme designed to get inactive people active in nine weeks.
The programme is being run in line with Basildon town’s 70th anniversary celebrations when 70 participants will walk, jog or run 5km on the outdoor running track as part of the family fun day on 13 July.
Registration for the programme starts from today (9 April) with the first training session starting on 13 May. Over 70 participants will be guided through a learn-to-run programme by Everyone Active’s personal trainer Andy Stead as they build their fitness. Throughout the programme there will opportunities for participants to take part in other fun themed sessions including boxing-based classes and dance.
To register and take part visit www.basildon.gov.uk/backsidetotrackside