25 Apr Autism’s Got Talent returns for another year
The sixth annual Autism’s Got Talent performance will once again wow the audience at The Mermaid Theatre in London as it returns for another year on Saturday May 6th.
Hosted by Anna Kennedy OBE and her team and supported by Pineapple Performing Arts, Autism’s Got Talent provides a platform that showcases an array of diverse talent from performers who are on the autism spectrum.
Anna Kennedy OBE, founder of autism charity Anna Kennedy Online, said: “The acts every year have been phenomenal and the show is always an emotional roller coaster for all involved. The level of talent is incredible, and the feedback and support is always overwhelming.
“This is a great opportunity for those with autism to get up on stage and really show what they can do.”
Anna added “we have offered 5 young performers from AnnaKennedyonline a scholarship at Pineapple Performing Arts.”
Kacey Ainsworth, Robin Windsor , Tony Discipline and Lizzy Cundy will once again be supporting the event since last year they were blown away by the performers talent.
For more information and to book tickets, head to the Anna Kennedy Online website .