09 Jul Artist Zhenya Syman brings major exhibition to Chelmsford
by Dan Bryans
Artist Zhenya Syman presents a major solo art exhibition “Planet Earth 2 How To” with theme Art & Science this summer in Chelmsford!
Through energies, improvisational methods, colours and forms, exploration toward scientific approach and construction, “think & don’t think”.
Zhenya conducted a search, study and understands that to create a new planet Earth is possible, the answers lie in complex and simplicity; beetwen 1,2,3,4…., and coordination.
Renowned artist Zenya told us “such projects as creating planets or spaces belong to the past rather than the future”. Zhenya’s work is about vision to highlight the move. Paintings made from oil, acrylic and drawings.
Fancy popping in ?
Chelmsford Museum
Oaklands Park
Moulsham Street,
Chelmsford, UK
Essex, CM2 9AQ
Opening event 7:30pm-8:30pm, exhibition continued until 1 October 2017
Curated by Dr. Mark Curties
Museum opening hours: 10AM-5PM, Sundays 1pm-4pm, Fridays closed during school terms days.