02 Jun Anna Kennedy OBE encourages everyone to join in on #AutismSelfieWeekend
by Matthew Martino
It’s yet another exciting weekend across the UK as autism charity Anna Kennedy Online are running their third #AutismSelfieWeekend and they want you all to take part!
Charity founder Anna Kennedy told us “The idea is to spread autism awareness and acceptance. Next week being the General Election I am still unsure who I want to vote for.
She added “Parents are still fighting for services for their children for services and the process is almost like an obstacle course for parents to navigate through. I want to know from the three main leaders what are they going to do for the autism community to make life a little easier. Over 700 000 individuals have been diagnosed that we know of and 3 million people have a relative with autism. Those are alot of votes.”
The idea is that #autismselfieweekend should be a fun thing to do for families and individuals however, It is also in place to get the message across that autistic people matter!
All you have to do to take part is post your selfies this weekend on social media and add the #AutismSelfieWeekend hashtag