13 Jul Age Concern and United in Kind Tendring launch new Dementia Action Alliance subgroup for Harwich
Age Concern Colchester & North East Essex and United in Kind Tendring have launched a new Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) subgroup specifically for the people of Harwich. The joint venture identified a need for the Harwich community to have a voice and take an active role in how businesses and organisations provide dementia care and tackle related issues in their area.
The new DAA subgroup will work with local organisations to run dementia friendly sessions, supporting them to working towards becoming dementia friendly accredited, at a hyper-local level. This will empower participants to be actively recognised as providers of choice in the local community, and on the high street, by those living with dementia. The subgroup will also feed into the main Tendring DAA.
Dementia is formally diagnosed every 3 minutes and it is estimated that there will be over 1 million people living with the condition by 2021. It is therefore a key health and social care issue for the UK, as well as for the sustainability of businesses and retailers. 1 in every 5 deaths from COVID-19 have been from someone who has dementia.
United in Kind Coach for the Tendring District, Suzanne Howe said, “I am delighted to be working alongside Age Concern Colchester and NE Essex and the Tendring Dementia Action Alliance to co-lead on a Harwich DAA sub group and working towards the Harwich community becoming more dementia friendly and aware. United in Kind is passionate about reducing social isolation and working to raise awareness and promote an inclusive community.”
Harwich businesses, charities, surgeries, and organisations are encouraged to contact Age Concern to become Dementia Friendly for the social good of their community, but also for the sustainability of their business or organisation:
- Enhanced social reputation by being a leader in breaking down exclusion and isolation, ensuring social inclusivity and customer protection
- Empowering and enabling staff with the skills, understanding and confidence to deliver a high-quality service to those with dementia
- Ensuring business sustainability, increased footfall and profits via the ability to serve all segments of society
- Demonstrating a commitment to the local community, customers and their families across the generations
- Working towards the nationally recognised Dementia Friendly Communities kite-mark, and complying with the Equality Act (2010)
Harwich DAA subgroup contacts:
Nicki Cailes, Age Concern, Co Ordinator for Tendring East and West
[email protected]
Christine Horn, Age Concern, Befriending and Dementia Team Leader North East Essex
[email protected]